Romeo Summer
註釋Featuring Muller and Pappenheim, heroes of A Cold Rain in Berlin A network of snipers, highly skilled professional killers, has been murdering apparently unconnected victims. The apparently happy family men who have been targeted share a secret from the past-they were all 'Romeos', the nickname given to operatives of the former DDR ordered to seduce lonely West German women working in sensitive areas of government and industry. Muller will discover that these are very special Romeos, a highly secret unit meant to remain active, even after the fall of the Wall - their long-term mission the insidious destabilization of the reunited Germany. But who is wiping them out? As hidden agendas proliferate around him, Muller must play a deadly game of hunter and hunted through an invisible network that is all around him. Muller and his compulsively networking assistant, Pappenheim - with their cynical take on authority, unconventional methods and sharp repartee - are on cracking form, and tough CIA agent Carey Bloomfield is back and once again sparring with the Hauptkommissar.