Mister Show Stopper
註釋Released with assistance from BePublished.org in May 2019, MISTER SHOW STOPPER by Mylia Tiye Mal Jaza is the author's 32nd published book and fourth published work of fiction this year. This guerilla-glue release is a novella that tells the story of a woman who needs a night out and seeks out laughter as the therapy she's convinced she needs to change her life. Will Shika stay focused and rise above? Will she seize opportunities to free herself? Is it already too late for her life to change drastically? Can she find the restorative healing she seeks just by visiting a comedy club for one night? MISTER SHOW STOPPER is available for order worldwide as a Kindle ebook for $9.95 (plus tax) or as a softcover book for $14.95 (plus tax/shipping) from bricks-and-mortar and online book retailers including Barnes & Noble, your local bookstore, and Amazon.Com.