Green Chemistry for Greener Environment

The residual wilderness & beauty of nature excites not only me but each one of us from our core & any damage to the 'mother earth' wittingly or unwittingly by our own actions certainly move us & create an intrinsic desire to protect our nature & environment. Right from nomadic or pastoral economy to the settled economy & to this date of so called unbridled development for our own comfort, we have been exploiting our nature with unbridled greed & impunity without realizing the fact that these dastardly acts of ours inflict irreparable damage to our 'mother earth' & environment. From industry to chemistry & from desires to development - all lead somehow or other to air, water, soil & several other forms of pollution & finally to global climate change & species extinction. Moreover, the ''evolutes'' from fossil-fuels to those from labs & coal-fired electricity generating units inflict considerable damage to our environment. From this state of desperation & desolation & conflict between so called development & conservation issues, arose a host of committed individuals worldwide who took the onus to protect our environment from further degradation. In fact, damage to the environment over the years has become so savage & brute due to uncontrolled exploitation of the nature, that the environmental protection has become one of the prime concern of the humanity these days. In this context the publication of this book/compilation on 'Green Chemistry for Greener Environment' has become so important.