Some of the First Settlers of "The Forks of the Delaware" and Their Descendants Being a Translation from the German of the Record Books of The First Reformed Church of Easton, Pennsylvania, 1760-1852

By: The Rev. Henry Martyn Kieffer, Pub. 1902, reprinted 2022, 512 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #0-89308-452-3.

This book which was transcribed by the author from German to English of the record books of the First Reformed Church of Easton are contemporaneous in their origin with the beginnings of the settlement of the city of Easton. The city of Easton lies with Northampton County. This book contains information on thousands of descendants from Easton and Northampton County. These records are in chronological order starting around 1760 and continuing on to the 1850's and are divided into three main categories: (1) baptisms: giving parents' names, infant's name, date of birth, and names of godparents; (2) deaths and burials: giving names and dates and sometimes place of residence; and (3) marriages: giving names of brides and grooms and dates. The Index has over 13,000 entries of these individuals within this book.