Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation
註釋The Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation was originally set up in March 1992 by the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, and Swiss Academy of (Natural) Sciences. Two prizes were awarded that year. Beginning in 1996, partner universities throughout the world have selected prize winners from among their best doctorate students, based on high scientific and ethical standards. These include originality, an awareness of the consequences of their work for man and his environment, and a willingness to assume personal responsibility for what they are doing. Willingness to accept the moral obligations of being a scientist has been a feature that made the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation prize unique. Each award is for $4000 unless the partner University chooses to split the prize between two students. There have been 27 to 32 prizes per year, the exact number depending on the candidates retained for the prizes by the partner Universities.