Kodiak Road System Coho Salmon Escapement Monitoring
註釋Aerial and ground surveys of coho salmon escapement in up to 17 streams along the Kodiak road system have been conducted since 1974. Continuing to collect ground survey data from 13 important road system coho salmon streams will aid in detecting trends in escapement of these stocks and assist fisheries managers to develop future management strategies and evaluate current escapement goals. Objectives for the escapement surveys of road system coho salmon stocks are to (1) count the number of visible coho salmon in each of 10 selected streams during at least one survey of each stream conducted approximately between 8 October and 27 October; (2) count the number of visible coho salmon in the American and Olds Rivers during two or more surveys of each river conducted approximately between 8 October and 27 October; and (3) count the number of visible coho salmon in the Pasagshak River drainage during at least three surveys conducted approximately between 20 October and 17 November.