Outline history of Spanish literature
Ralph Steele Boggs
D.C. Heath
, 1937
This outline has been developed through various mimeographed editions over a period of years in the author's own classes. It is based on and indebted to current manuals of Spanish literature and the helpful criticisms of colleagues and students. It is designed for use in the survey course; but advanced students in Spanish, as well as others with a more casual interest, have also found it useful in review and orientation, where a brief and unified picture of Spanish literature or a quick reference is desired. In high schools it will meet the need for a brief study of Spanish literature which is so desirable when the elementary work has been completed. The divisions of this outline are along the most basic lines of period and type, and may be rearranged easily to suit the wishes of the individual instructor. Corresponding page references to several standard manuals of Spanish literature accompany every section, as a guide to more extensive parallel reading. - Foreword.