註釋"The Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants (LRTAP) Biomonitoring Program conducts broad scale surveys on over 600 wetlands and lakes in northeastern Ontario and 46 lakes in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, to monitor the chemical and biotic response of sensitive aquatic ecosystems to reduced inputs of acidifying emissions. An important component of this program, the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey (CLLS), uses a network of volunteers to assess the breeding success of Common Loons (Gavia immer), a key bioindicator species, on larger lakes across Canada This report provides detailed physical, chemical and biological characteristics of CWS biomonitoring study lakes and their locations in Ontario and Kejimkujik National Park. Maps of a subset of more intensively studied Food Chain Monitoring Program (FCMP) lakes in Ontario are also presented. As well, volunteer effort across Canada and the location of CLLS lakes in Ontario and the Atlantic provinces are documented. This information is intended as a working document for researchers studying the effects of air pollutants and other environmental stressors on aquatic ecosystems. By providing detailed descriptions of our study area characteristics, we hope to encourage collaboration with other researchers"--Abstract, p. iii