
It is usually said that the Culture is the nature of man, Kultur ist Natur des Menschen, but we must accept, volens nolens, that the Book is the essence of human culture, Das Buch ist die wessentlich der Kultur des Menschen!

Upon this assumption, we must accept that the neuron is the basic anatomical structure of the entire nervous system of all inervated living systems of the biology, culminating in human through its neo-cortex system, as the highly abstract development of an abstract representation, existing in singularity, at least up to date, within the knowing Universe!

Our endeavour is trying in a reconnection between neuron of biology with the neo – cortex of human ontology, in a synthesis that is done upon a triad of philosophical schools, like those of rationalist philosophy, of empiricist philosophy and of idealist philosophy!

Nonetheless, for this extremely complex philosophy endeavour, will be used ideas and concepts belonging to the materialist and idealist of Greek philosophy, to those of Oriental philosophy of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism of India and Taoism, Confucianism and Ch’an –ism of China.

Moreover, will be some references to the ideas and concepts from different religions of human being, namely those of Egyptean religions, Mesopotamian religions, then those of Judaism, Christianity and Islam religions, then to those belonging to the Persian religion of Zoroastrism, of Manicheism and of Shintoism.
