Seizing the Future
How the Coming Revolution in Science, Technology, and Industry Will Expand the Frontiers of Human Potential and Reshape the Planet
出版Simon & Schuster, 1994
主題Business & Economics / GeneralBusiness & Economics / ForecastingScience / GeneralSocial Science / Future Studies
註釋As the twenty-first century approaches, we can envision a time in the not-so-distant future when tiny machines will travel through the bloodstream to cleanse disease from the body, humankind will colonize Mars by transforming its atmosphere, deserts will be converted into farmland through irrigation, artificial islands and skyscraper cities will house the world's growing population, and the human life span will be doubled or even tripled. Seizing the Future is a provocative and optimistic look at the way advances in scientific and technological knowledge will make these and many other amazing changes possible within the next decades. Michael G. Zey, Ph.D., argues that an end to social problems such as hunger and poverty and a concurrent increase in the worldwide standard of living are also within our grasp. Rather than becoming an information society, as has been predicted by many trend-watchers, our society will become a Macroindustrial Culture, emphasizing large-scale production. And predicted problems such as ecological disaster will not materialize, contends Zey. Seizing the Future shows that the technology to transform our world is readily available - and we must adjust our attitudes so that we are able to embrace these changes, which will result in prosperity for all. Seizing the Future is a remarkably optimistic book that initiates us into an exciting revolution that is already taking place. Seizing the Future provides a provocative look at this world of the future and the expansionary culture that will accompany it. More than a chronicle of technological transformation, Seizing the Future is an agenda for our evolving attitudes.