This Land Is Our Land!

In normal conversation and in today''s world, "RACE" or racial conversation is almost taboo. In a free society and with our 1st Amendant rights, Speech is oft cited as having the right to speak freely on any subject without fear of retribution. Today, this is no longer the case. If one is to speak about another race within our society we are now tempered in our speech, lest we are held out as a bigot or worse as a raciest! With this in mind and whenever possible, the subject of this book has been placed/written in an Historical frame of content.

The essence of this book is a retort to those who, frequently, claim a bigger role in the founding and building of this country, the United States of America, while disparaging aginst the accomplishments, the trials and tribulations of the Founders of this Nation. Our Historical evolution, however, from the Pilgrams, the Declaration of Independance and the subsequent Revolution, this nation faced innumerable problems and hardships, each of which were overcome by the Founders, the Pioneers of this Nation-the White Race. In short the essance of my book is to reclaim our National Heritage as documented by Fact. Other races, along the way have, in some measure played a role in its evolutionary period but, without question--This Land is Our Land!