The Fuller Picture
註釋Sprinting into the grocery story at closing time because your kids need greencoloured snacks for school in the morning. Realizing that when your partner asks if that’s the outfit you’re planning to wear, you’ve planned wrong and will have to change. The time-honoured but unspoken rules men follow when choosing which urinal to use in a public washroom. Saskatoon StarPhoenix columnist Cam Fuller turned these everyday episodes of life into columns that were extraordinarily fun to read, thanks to his deft writing and dry wit. Other times, his affectionate and nostalgic reflections on family and community created a fuller picture, showing us how our lives are shaped day by day. This collection of Cam’s columns reminds us that life is to be lived to the fullest

“We all work with the same 26 letters, Cam Fuller just used them better,”
—Kevin Mitchell, Sports Editor, Saskatoon StarPhoenix