Ideology and Division
註釋"Where a political loss used to be a minor upset in the day-to-day of things, it is now experienced as a total devastation - and as a kind of existential upheaval that can have acute psychological effects on the individual. The political and ideological landscape begins more and more to reflect a state of warfare; and the net result is a state of increased social tension, mistrust, division and anxiety. " Divisions within populations - and ideological divisions more generally - are reaching new extremes and developing at a very rapid pace. This division and polarization can only go so far, however, before it reaches a kind of implosion point: and this implosion point draws increasingly nearer. This division is not isolated from a crisis within the broader political (globalist) paradigm that has been gradually established - socially, economically and politically - since at least the end of World War I. Understanding the cause of these divisions, what purpose they serve, where they are leading us - and their broader role within our ideological and political situation - is central to this book.