Life Story of Rick Kent
註釋I pray that this book of the main points of my life, not including the angelic experiences in my book on angels will help people to see what is real in their lives. Alternatively, how people can have a chance to do what they were intended to do in their lives, even though bad people can be in their lives to try to intercept their calling in this life. Do your best to create and recreate what it is that GOD speaks of you to do as a child, even though adverse circumstances may have garbled the calling in your life. Pick up and go on to the great place of happiness that GOD wants everyone to have that understands the relationship that the Highest Father GOD wants for all who become to know him on a daily basis. Prayer and learning to love others can help to love yourself, even though they may not love you, in return. Remember the Golden Rule of Jesus, and Jesus spoke that it is not right to believe in an "eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' even though you have been wronged by someone learning to love your enemies. Please read (I Thessalonians 5:15) Remember that the first day of the rest of our lives on this planet starts today, and tomorrow can only become by what you do today. Believe in yourself, GOD, and others, and eventually peace and happiness will be yours, with years of discipline overlooking any abuse you may have received by others. When we pass on, with the exception of the Christ returning to this planet, we will only take our spirit beyond this body and not the people and things we have accumulated over time. The next life beyond this life on this planet is of glorious measures by your attitude toward the love your Father and mother within the heavens. The Father talked about by the Christ is a being of joy and love with a body and spirited creation, with a female counterpart within every part of this place called the universe! Whoever you are, whatever your age, the rest of your life begins right now. What you do with it is up to you, but after reading this book, I would hope that you would have a new mission in life, for here and beyond the realms of this existence! Many times in life, we do not accept truth, because it is something we do not want to hear. Sometimes we have to change too much, to make truth a part of our lives. If we fear change, we reject truth for it is a bad trade off! Remember that Jesus the Christ walked the earth to speak the truth and He was rejected by most all people, for when you are brainwashed by false information it is a real test of change to accept real life truths! When you feel ready after reading this book, pray this prayer of change. Dear Father and creator of this universe, I may have had some setbacks in my life, but I will not let the setbacks control the outcome of my life in my days to come. I will allow you Father, to help and guide me from this day forward not looking back, but only forward to the perfected will of my life that should only be of a positive and loving attitude toward others and me. Please help me to see any abuse that may be around the corner by others by allowing me to have a spirit of love and discernment seeing the real motives of others. I want a perfected heart of love from now and until the suns of the universe stop shining, if this could ever happen! I want my soul to shine like the sun! (Amen) I HAD AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL EXPERIENCE AT AGE 5, AND 54, AND TWO ANGELIC EXPERIENCES TALKED ABOUT IN THIS BOOK, ALONG WITH OTHER VERY EYE OPENING THINGS that happened in my life. Please check out my website at: www.rickkentbooks.com, also, Author Central with Kindle Direct Publishing. Look for Rick Kent on (YOU-TUBE) in the future, for various talks on various subjects of great interest related to creation, and why we are here on planet Earth! I believe that the best chapter of the Bible is (I Corinthians 13) for read and do, what the chapter says, and your soul will be renewed, and you will be happier!