Eve in Digiland

Science Clarified is a hacker story about female hacker called Eve, who tries to attack stock market corporation. It's also a story about Bob, who just wants code open source and keeps contact with Alice. And about nerds taking over the world by their precious Facepalm corporation.

So do you want to know how criminals break into computer systems? Science Clarified is a hacker comic and learning material for Internet security. You can learn how cyber crimes are made and how to prevent them.

So what?
* 58 pages comic album about hacking
* Attacks designed by cyber weapon researcher and based on real world examples
* 5 learning pages explaining the topic
* New tools and stuff coming regularly
* Check the teaser page at http://www.studiowas.com/p/eve.html

The story and the learning pages are made by professor, researchers and teachers with over two decades of experience. We wish that both young and adults get interested in computer science because it's fun!

This is something everybody should be aware of!