The History of Australasia
註釋The present volume is the first complete history of Australasia that has ever been given to the world. In a work intended for popular circulation, and of such extent, there must of necessity be much more of compilation than of original composition. The Compiler has therefore to acknowledge that he has made free use of all the works hitherto published relating to the Southern Colonies, either collectively or separately. In particular he would specify the works of Flinders, the Rev. Julian Woods, Westgarth, M'Combie, the Rev. Dr. Lang, Wentworth, the Rev. John West, Bennett, Sidney, Bouwick, Harcus, Dr. Thomson, Colonel Mundy, the journals of the several explorers, the official handbooks of the various colonies, and a large mass of voyages, travels, descriptive sketches, and articles in the English reviews and magazines. As, in most cases, the portions extracted from printed works have been carefully condensed, verified, and sometimes almost re-written, it was not deemed necessary to give specific acknowledgment, or to cumber the pages with footnoted. The work, as it stands, may fairly be accepted as a faithful epitome of all that has ever yet been published respecting the British dominions in the South. To original research, learned disquisition, or brilliancy of narrative, it makes no pretensions whatsoever. But for strict adherence to truth, accuracy as to all historical facts, and painstaking collation of conflicting accounts, it may claim to be considered a standard authority. The work, in short, is a complete Australian library within the covers of a single volume.