Graphic Tales From a Manic Mind
註釋A sudden call to action from the Empire State Building. A Royal Flush of powerful men. A smell of roses in the air. A parade of birds flying in circles, forming a halo. Where is the invisible line that separates reality from delusion? Are signs trustworthy? How far can the imagination go without restraint and what –good or bad– might stem from it? At the age of 37, Irma Bravo was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The lack of proper treatment flared up in an unexpected way: the setup of a social media profile slowly sent her into a spiral of growing delusions, seamlessly enmeshed with her daily life. In this, her first book, she shares her pure, raw recollections of those manic days, right from the stories that unfolded in her mind and the pictures she took at the time. Her look down the rabbit hole of a psychotic crisis –through a compelling and gripping narrative, gives the reader a glimpse into her challenging quest for clarity and a poignant reminder of both the fragility and power of the human mind.