Das Abseits als sicherer Ort?
jüdische Minderheit und christliche Gesellschaft im Alten Reich am Beispiel der Fürstabtei Corvey (1550-1807)
出版Schöningh, 1996
註釋Chronicles the history of the Jewish community of Höxter and surroundings, in the domain of the monastery of Corvey. Examines the Jews' status under the local and territorial authorities, communal organization, economic activities, and relations with Christians. Throughout the 17th century, the Jews were victims of a power struggle between the territorial sovereigns and the Town Council, which claimed the exclusive right to tax them. In 1647-48, empoverished by the Thirty-Years War, it increased the levies; groups of citizens led by town officials broke into the Jews' houses, confiscated property, and imprisoned men and women for ransom. Jews were despised and relatively unprotected outsiders, and frequently victims of violence and robbery. Restrictions on Jewish life were relatively mild; they concerned mainly social segregation and abstention from offense to the Christian religion. Jewish strangers were not welcome; they were suspected of dishonest dealings. In 1807 Corvey was annexed to Westphalia.