And the Rain Descended
註釋For 50 years, Oklahoma Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (OSBDR) volunteers have ministered in the name of Jesus to survivors and victims of both natural and man-made disasters in their home state, across the U.S. and around the world.Beginning with a response to massive flooding in October 1973 in Enid, Okla. and vicinity, OSBDR volunteers have served as the hands and feet of Jesus as they have loved on people by preparing hot meals, clearing away debris left behind by tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, wildfires and many other catastrophic events, and ministering not only to people's physical needs, but also to their spiritual needs.And the Rain Descended: 50 Years of Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief chronicles five decades of selfless service by thousands of highly-trained OSBDR volunteers who have answered the call from the Lord to "Put themselves in the offering plate," many times in uncomfortable, exhausting and heart-rending situations.Through the years-and standing on the shoulders of its resolute founders and other leaders-OSBDR has become a nationally-recognized disaster response ministry, highly respected among its peers and among the leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention.May future generations embrace the standard established by those who came before them and continue the legacy of service established by OSBDR volunteers over the past five decades.