Restoring Lost Truths
註釋Since the 'Christian Church' has abandoned its' Hebrew Roots, many false teachings are in our mainstream churches today and they are destroying the faith given to us by Jesus and carried on by His apostles. Over the centuries precious Biblical truths have been replaced by non-biblical church tradition, doctrine and creeds. Jesus warned us over and over again about deception, but deception were so well disguised in Biblical garb that seemingly no one saw it coming, until it was entrenched in Church Doctrine. And no one expected deception coming from the Church itself. And now, just as it said in the Book of the Revelation, all the world is deceived and following after the beast. You will be amazed, shocked and astonished as I was, to see what the scriptures call the great apostasy happening before your very eyes...The main stream churches are following the teachings of the lawlessness Beast, they are worshiping a god unknown before the 4th Century, just as we read in the Book of the Revelation.