Members of One Another
註釋As a local church, we are to function in harmony as the body of Christ. As in any relationship, working together does not come automatically but takes the concentrated effort of each part. We must LEARN to interact with one another according to the principles of God. As the Psalmist exclaimed, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" (Psa. 133:1). It is in this unity that the light of Jesus will be most brilliantly reflected and the work of the Lord most effectively accomplished. In this series of lessons, we will focus on a phrase that occurs about 99 times in the New Testament - "one another." In the original language, this phrase is actually from one word "allelon" and is used in about 60 contexts in ways which help us understand our responsibilities to each other. This series of lessons focuses on understanding these contexts to reflect this "one another" Christianity. These lessons are designed to be growth sessions, not gripe sessions. If anything is accomplished, each of us must begin with application to self before making constructive comments about the actions of others.