Why God?
Everyone that I saw asked the same questions: Why God? Why has this happened to us? I wondered if we had done something really bad to bring David’s death upon us. I had always prayed to God for him to protect Dan and our children. I asked God to put a protective shield around them everywhere they went and to bring them back safely to me. I believed with all my heart that God would answer my prayers.
Three months before David’s accident, I was sitting in the den talking with one of my son-in-laws about what I believed. He said “Linda, death is real…we humans don’t have any control over it.” David was sitting in a recliner listening to us and he said, “Mama, he’s right; we don’t ever know.”
There was a big game going on in Heaven in honor of Christ’s birthday. They needed a catcher, so I got the Call, “Come on son, come play in our Game today!”
My dear family and friends remembered when those tears start to fill your eyes; just go outside and look up towards the stars for I will be playing on the “Diamond in the sky!”