Raising Standards for American Education
A Report to Congress, the Secretary of Education, the National Education Goals Panel, and the American People
出版U.S. Department of Education, 1992
主題Education / Administration / GeneralEducation / History
註釋Recommendations by the National Council on Education Standards and Testing (NCEST) are provided concerning whether national standards and a system of assessments are desirable and feasible and how national standards and a system of assessments are to be developed and implemented. The NCEST found that the absence of explicit national standards keyed to world-class levels of performance severely hampers the ability to monitor the nation's progress toward the six national education goals. Without well-defined and demanding standards, American education has gravitated toward "de facto" national minimum expectations, with curricula focusing on low-level reading and arithmetic skills and on small amounts of factual material in other content areas. Most current assessment methods cannot determine if students are acquiring the skills/knowledge they need to prosper in the future. These assessments reinforce the emphasis on low-level skills and processing bits of data rather than on problem solving and critical thinking. It is concluded that high national education standards and a voluntary linked system of assessments are desirable and feasible mechanisms for raising expectations, revitalizing instruction, and rejuvenating education reform efforts for all American schools and students. The NCEST will work toward local commitment to high national expectation for achievement for all students, and toward developing Federal, state, and local policies that ensure high quality resources (instructional materials and well-prepared teachers). Acknowledgments; authorization for the NCEST; public comments; the six national education goals; and reports of the standards, assessment, implementation, English, mathematics, science, history, and geography task forces of the NCEST are appended. (RLC)