註釋Hey Kid is a story of a young boy born in the wartime East End of London. It's a story of his experiences, and those of his family, during and after WWII and continuing in to the late 1950's. It was a time when society was starting to radically change and "Baby Boomers" were being born. Their impact on society would be massive in years to come.The previous generation had been locked in the Edwardian era but two World Wars in three decades changed all that. They were a generation who lost their youth and provided us with the freedom we still enjoy today, for which history shall remember them and we shall be eternally grateful.Social changes were happening, such as workplace equity, which was in its infancy and immigration was at an all time high.Growing up in London's East End was a journey that allowed those living there to witness the many changing images of society from immigration of the masses to the acknowledgement of changing lifestyles, equality and labour issues and the rebuilding of one of the biggest cities in the world. It was like looking through a kaleidoscope of life.The story of George Rudge is of one young man and his family, of loss, love, failure, and success. It's a story of many people of post war London and it is a reflection of the times and the changes of the new post-war era. The main character, George Rudge, is born after his father leaves to fight in the war. George spends a lot of time with his grandparents and stays in London throughout the war.Unlike his siblings he is a not particularly bright student but he "survives" school and ends up with a job in a firm of Barristers and Solicitors. While working there he meets Penny and the relationship starts.