Global warming falls short in playing to the left's Green House agenda. As in prehistoric transitions, Earth's axis has fallen slightly off-center, causing the atmosphere to solidify, blocking the sun's rays from penetrating Earth. Temperatures around the globe plummet below zero degrees Centigrade. World economic systems collapse along with most international governments.
The Earth is surrounded by a dense brown cloud that blocks nearly all of the sun's rays. Scientists and engineers rush to find answers that may sustain temperatures and keep mankind from perishing.
Steve Ramson conceives and builds a practical laser propulsion system. He furthers his insight and imagination and designs two flying saucer-type crafts that will be driven by the laser propulsion system. The first prototype saucer, codenamed NO-WINGS, brings a new dimension to mankind's experience in flight. Steve's initial desire for the craft was for space exploration, but this thought is put on hold due to the issues confronting conditions on Earth.
The second flying saucer craft, codenamed the Second Step, is 280 meters at its girth. The craft houses crew quarters for 1,200 personnel, along with three science labs and two computer systems.