Handbook of Ultraviolet Methods
註釋This is a book that I wrote for myself. It was started 16 years ago when my duties began to include the origina tion of ultraviolet spectrophotometric testing methods for products of in terest to my company. Painful and wasteful experiences of rediscovering someone else's ana lytical procedures soon led to my keeping notebooks and card files of published UV methods. Many times since, these files have enabled me to avoid conducting lengthy experiments or making tedious literature searches. When I decided to share them with others, I greatly expanded their scope to include clinical, biochemical, and pharmacological analysis, as well as other topics not normally part of either my responsibility or my in terests. This volume consists of more than 1600 references to analyses accom plished using UV absorption measurements, arranged alphabetically by senior author. The book is compound-oriented; that is, it deals with materials, and most papers dealing primarily with instrumentation and techniques have been excluded. Some of these items merely mention the subject treated. Others are abstracts containing enough detail to permit use of the method without consulting the original article. This book is intended, however, not merely to inform the reader and to grant him rapid access to the avail able literature, but to stimulate creativity by a quick review of the ap proaches others have taken to a problem similar to his own.