Waiting for the Night

 Possums high in blossoms...

Dingoes dancing on tiptoes...

Sugar Gliders munching on spiders...

Blue-tongue lizards showering in the flowers...

These are just some of the things

our native creatures do to get

ready for their night time.

What do you do?

Tuck your little ones in with this beautifully illustrated rock-a-bye lullaby. Metrical verses introduce us to a plethora of Australian fauna from Possums in the blossoms to Devils in the pebbles. All getting ready for the night. A lovely sleepy time story.

– Jackie Hosking, Pass It On

Children are fascinated by the night and all the fear and excitement that comes with it, as they explore the darkness with torches and see eyes peering back at them amongst the stars. In this gorgeous story, you will spy a variety of Australian animals preparing for the night. My favourite is definitely the boobook owl. The rhyme scheme and rhythm of this book make it a delight to read aloud and will make it a favourite.

– Veronica Chapman, TeachEzy

Waiting for the Night is an entrancing bedtime read for children under eight, filled with lilting verse and striking full colour spreads depicting Australian fauna in a stunning array of landscapes.  Anna Seed’s vibrant palette provides eco-rich imagery that is as ample as the variety of native Aussie creatures who patiently wait for the sun to set so that they can feast and romp through the nocturnal hours.  

– Dimity Powell, Kids Book Review

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