Of Shreds And Patches
註釋Innocents abroad they certainly were. Nick and Sue knew nothing of diplomatic life when they set sail in 1960 for Burma and the unknown. The adventures they and their family were destined for was beyond their wildest imaginings. Earthquakes, terrorists, termites and the plague were almost as challenging as hosting royalty, facing press conferences and being arrested mid Sahara. Not having a clue about what lay ahead added spice throughout their 37 years in the service of HMQ, as she was affectionately known in the family. Yes it was her hand Nick kissed on his appointment as an Ambassador and her Letters of Recall which formally signalled it was all over. Living in Peking during MaoIs Cultural Revolution, conning the media at the birth of MugabeIs Zimbabwe and dancing around the Emerald Isle to defy the IRA, life with the Fenn family was never dull!