The Use of Soviet Military Labor in the Civilian Economy
A Study of Military "shefstvo"
出版Rand, 1962
註釋There are presumably various sources of tension between the Communist party and the professional officers in the armed forces. The dissatisfaction of the military with some aspects of shefstvo represents therefore only one dissatisfaction among many. In the past the party at least tolerated the resistance raised by the military against interference with their training and readiness activities; it did nothing to appease the military. In the past few months, military demands for more resources and less interference in their training activities have been given public prominence and the party has also made several conciliatory gestures. This turn of events may indicate that though the party at one time viewed the role of the conventional forces as rather limited, recent international political and military developments may have caused Khrushchev to yield to pressure from the military. In view of this, it is likely that the uses of military labor in civilian economic establishments may be curtailed (since they interfere with training and readiness) and that the role of the conventional forces may be upgraded. (Author).