
Dear reader, I am sure that the Iguazu National Park is among the tourist places where the natural beauty most enchanted me. Even after visiting it for the second time, the excitement is still the same. This majestic park is the most visited in Argentina and is among the three most visited tourist spots in Brazil. It is among the most well-classified tourist sites as World Heritage Site. Just visit it to understand these numbers. Its beauty may not be described through words or photos. It is necessary to be there and feel, to live the essence of that place. Iguazu River is huge, noisy and is characterized by numerous waterfalls which are simply fantastic. In the second half of the book will be presenting to you the bird park that is located in Brazil near the Iguassu National Park. The bird park is a must-see tourist spot for nature lovers.  I hope this book can give you an idea of ​​the magic of that place. I hope you can one day visit and share the same opinion.