She Rode with the Generals
The True and Incredible Story of Sarah Emma Seelye, Alias Franklin Thompson
出版T. Nelson, 1960
註釋Sarah Emma Edmonds published her memoirs under the title, Nurse and Spy, and the book enjoyed a huge sale. In later years she became a housewife, a mother, and a veteran in the G.A.R. The author makes this fantastic masquerade come alive. She offers a cautious psychological explanation for it, and shows how it was possible for 'Franklin Thompson' to escape detection even in the rough life of army camps and amid the carnage of war. At the first Battle of Bull Run, through McClellan's ill-fated Peninsular campaign, in hair-raising escapades behind the Confederate lines, 'Franklin Thompson's' gallant, selfless service was attested to by scores who never penetrated the disguise. A story stranger than fiction? Yes. From Sarah Emma Edmonds' Nurse and Spy, from her descendants, and from Congressional records, Sylvia G.L. Dannett shows once again that truth is indeed stranger than fiction."