
"The Digital Puritan" is a quarterly digest of carefully selected Puritan writings, suitable for personal devotional use or for small group discussion. The focus of each article is typically more practical than theological. The originals have been sparingly edited, generally only to correct typographical errors or make the text more readable. Scripture references (ESV®) are embedded in the text as hyperlinks--no wireless connection is needed.

This edition contains the following articles:

1. Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind - Thomas Manton. Based on 2 Thessalonians 2:2. From a series of eighteen sermons Manton preached on the end times, which is sadly now appropos given the recent stirrings over the Harold Camping debacle. Christians are not to doubt Christ's plain instruction, that no man would know the time of his return (Matthew 24:36).

2. Meditations of the Misery of a Man Not Reconciled to God in Christ - Lewis Bayly. A lengthy excerpt from The Practice of Piety which candidly and biblically addresses the error of now-shown-to-be-a-universalist Rob Bell's most recent book Love Wins; namely, that God will not set aside his justice to spare those who continue to unrepentantly spurn Christ's sacrifice.

3. The Art of Man-Fishing - Thomas Boston. The personal reflections of Thomas Boston on the importance of winning souls to Christ; presented in its entirety. J.I. Packer commends it as "worthy to stand on the same shelf as Baxter's Reformed Pastor."

4. The Dying Thief at Calvary Saved - John Flavel. An examination of the unique characteristics of this unlikely eleventh-hour salvation; this piece is informative to Christians who often wonder if a death-bed conversion is likely genuine or not.

5. An Examination of True Christian Sincerity - William Gurnall. An excerpt from The Christian in Complete Armour which is useful in helping the professing Christian probe his heart, to determine if his motives in coming to Christ are sincere or hypocritical, "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith" (2 Corinthians 13:5).