Summary - The Now Habit by Neil Fiore Ph.D
註釋* Our summary is short, simple and pragmatic. It allows you to have the essential ideas of a big book in less than 30 minutes.

Procrastinating is always putting off until later what you can do now.

Are you a procrastinator ? Let's take the test:
  • When you don't accomplish a task, do you feel like you are not in control of your life and your choices ?
  • When you don't achieve a goal, do you feel guilt and shame ?
  • Do you feel permanently stressed and unable to relax ?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book can help.

Procrastination is not a trait that is unique to you. It's an unhealthy habit learned in childhood.

What you need to stop procrastinating is a change of mindset and some simple tools.

In this book, we will look at the following:
  • Where does procrastination come from ?
  • How do you learn about procrastination on your way to adulthood ?
  • How to get out of procrastination in 3 rules ?
  • How do you overcome the difficulty of setting out on a goal ?
  • How to avoid distractions ?

Our answers to these questions are easy to understand, simple to implement, and quick in result.

Ready to get out of procrastination? Let's go !

*Buy now the summary of this book for the modest price of a cup of coffee!