Job Performance Measurement
Topics in the Performance Measurement of Air Force Enlisted Personnel
出版Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, 1988
註釋In the early 1980's the Air Force initiated a long-term effort to develop a performance measurement technology for accurately measuring the performance of enlisted personnel. Requests from operational military and civilian program managers in the manpower, personnel, and training (MPT) communities for criteria to evaluate training and selection programs, and requests from the MPT research community for criteria to validate their R & D projects, energized research in the performance measurement domain. A Congressional mandate to test the feasibility of linking enlistment standards to job performance added impetus to this effort. This document contains a series of five papers which discuss current work in this area being done by the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory. Detailed descriptions of AFHRL's strategy for test content selection, work sample testing, data analysis, training evaluation, and technology transfer are presented and discussed. Keywords: ASVAB(Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery), Job performance, Performance measurement, Air force training, Technology transfer, Test content selection, Training evaluation, Aptitude tests. (sdw).