An Evaluative Evaluation of “Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation” for Neuromodulation in
Clinical and Non-clinical Samples.
Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) involves delivering low-intensity electrical current via a pair of electrodes attached to bilateral anatomical positions around the head with the intent of acutely modulating central and/or peripheral nervous system activity.
Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) is a neuromodulation tool used for treating several clinical disorders, including insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
More recently, a limited number of studies have examined CES for altering affect, physiology, and behaviour in healthy, non-clinical samples.
Thus, it is attempted to describe past and present research and development efforts with this neuromodulator technique and its potential for enhancing well-being in clinical contexts and optimizing or enhancing human performance in healthy, neurotypical populations.
…Dr. H. K. Saboowala. M.B.(Bom) M.R.S.H.(London)