註釋About the book: Nick Berry has again proved to be a master at story-telling. Once again he has created a larger-than-life heroine, a warrior woman par excellence, that is both believable and mythical. Strapping and formidable, she embodies the Greek or Platonic concept of the 'ideal', the perfect woman, and yet displays all the natural charm and sparkling sense of humour of the girl next door - a brunette of stunning beauty that one gets to know very quickly and irresistibly. This is the girl-woman that, undaunted, fights the good fight against evil-this time culminating in the City of Babylon. Full marks to the author's meticulous research, for the evocation of this once impressive metropolis is stunning and believable. Zona's encounter with Nebuchadnezzar is spectacular and farcical at the same time, and one reads with bated breath to see how our heroine will extricate herself this time from a dictator's claws! - Charles Muller, Diadem Books.