
In an age where knowledge is so easily disseminated, the modern-day workplace, and roles as we know them, are beginning to transform. As ideation establishes itself as a concept, if put into action, it could help to create and form a more transformative entrepreneurial future generation. It will be the actions of many ideators that will motivate and contribute to the post-pandemic economy, and this becomes even more tangible as fewer people occupy predetermined and fixed positions in companies.

By moving from the economy of mass production to knowledge-driven entrepreneurship, value creation is embedded in the lifeblood of ideas in action (the 'ideation'), combined, shared with investors, disseminated territorially, and adapted to the conditions of individual communities.

Ideators: Their Words and Voices presents the concept of ideation and its applications in a thorough yet accessible format, focusing on the process of idea creation, and also presents a series of protagonists of creativity and innovation who will reflect on their own career changes.