National Security Law
Stephen Dycus
Aspen Publishers
, 2007
Law / Constitutional
Law / Government / Federal
Law / International
Law / Military
Political Science / Security (National & International)
This thorough revision preserves the features that earned the book such widespread use: - a cohesive thematic framework for an examination of law and process for using American force abroad, intelligence gathering, counterterrorism, homeland security and related civil liberties concerns, and access to sensitive government information in a democracy - a rich, well-balanced selection of primary materials, including judicial opinions, executive orders, executive branch legal memoranda, statutes, and legislative history - descriptive text that provides context and informative historical and background information - current and comprehensive coverage of the very latest developments in the war on terrorism, torture, the Iraq War, the USA Patriot Act, and related issues - an extensive Teacher's Manual -- more than 400 pages, with detailed explanations and analysis -- completely revised to correspond to the Fourth Edition - the expertise of a highly respected author team Changes for the Fourth Edition update content and simplify teaching: - full treatment of important issues and developments in the aftermath of 9/11, including the USA Patriot Act and its amendments, the Iraq War, detention without process, torture, extraordinary rendition, the Department of Homeland Security, border and transportation security, military commissions, intelligence reform legislation, and more - significant new cases, such as Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, Padilla v. Rumsfeld, U.S. v. Al-Arian, Detroit Free Press v. Ashcroft, U.S. v. Moussaoui, People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran v. Department of State, Rasul v. Bush, Doe v. Ashcroft, and Tenet v. Doe - the middle chapters of thebook are reorganized to facilitate the treatment of intelligence gathering and detention - new coverage of the law of armed conflict - issue notes on breaking issues of law and policy faced by national security professionals