註釋This catalogue explores the history of the fragmentation of Renaissance art through the examination of four 15th-century panels that were only recently confirmed to belong to a single triptych by the great Renaissance master Fra Angelico (ca. 1395/1400-1455). The panels of the triptych, separated for centuries, are here reunited for the first time. Two scholarly essays discuss the panels and their history: Laurence Kanter first made the connection between the panels, from the collections of the Yale University Art Gallery and the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Carl Brandon Strehlke explains how issues of taste and connoisseurship may account for the panels' separation. Through piecing together these objects, the catalogue not only makes the artist and his culture more clearly visible but also reminds us that our view of history is in a constant state of flux as it depends upon fragments of information, which grow and change with developments in the field. - See more at: http://artgallery.yale.edu/rediscovering-fra-angelico-fragmentary-history#sthash.u2mQotRc.dpuf.