The End of Greed - Small Group Discussion Guide
註釋The consumer culture in which we are immersed urges us to acquire as many things and experiences as our incomes will allow. But what if our habit of acquiring more is simply a modern manifestation of greed? In this Bible study series you'll discover how consumerism is damaging to your relationship with God, saps your capacity to be generous, exploits people in poorer countries, wreaks havoc on the planet and inflicts suffering on animals. You'll also identify simple, practical steps towards Christ-shaped consuming that embodies love for God, people, the planet and our fellow creatures.Each study consists of three sections: an introduction to the issue to be discussed; a look at what the Bible has to say; and how you can put what you have learned into practice. Each of these sections is preceded by a 3-5 minute video segment that forms the platform for discussion.