Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF)
Perception Of Effort Or Task Failure?
出版Morressier, 2017
註釋Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF): Perception of effort or task failure? Carlos Fernandez, MD. Shagufta Firdous, MD. Jehangir Waqas, MD. Bertrand Behm, MD. Zankhana Mehta, MD. Andrea Berger, MAS. Mellar Davis, MDIntroduction: Patientu2019s rating of perceived effort (RPE) has been used to assess central fatigue. CRF is believed to be of central origin. The increased RPE with a motor task, such as the Finger Tapping Test (FTT), can easily be measured in the clinical setting. Research Objectives: To correlate the FTT, RPE and the brief fatigue inventory (BFI) rated fatigue severity in cancer patients.Methods: Subjective fatigue was assessed in adult patients with cancer by the BFI. Participants performed a modified FTT with the index finger of the dominant hand: 15 seconds x 2, 30 seconds x 2 and 60 seconds x 2 with 1 minute of rest between each time trial. RPE at the end of task was measured by the Borg 10 scale. Exclusions were brain metastasis, history of brain radiation, Parkinsonu2019s disease, Huntingtonu2019s Chorea, multiple sclerosis, delirium and depression. Spearmanu2019s correlation coefficients were used to describe the relationships between BFI, FTT and Borg 10 scale. Results: Thirty patients participated. Mean age was 56.2. 16 were females (53.3%). The BFI mean score was 4.1, median 4.4. Tapping rate did not correlate with fatigue severity. Interestingly, the RPE to accomplish the FTT correlated with mean BFI: u03c1 0.513, p-value 0.0038 and median BFI: u03c1 0.541, p-value 0.0020.Conclusion: Cancer patients with fatigue require greater effort to complete a motor task which is a more sensitive indicator of CRF using FTT than task failure. A sense of effort is largely related to central corollary discharge to the supplementary cortex and hence central fatigue.