In the heart of the Late Elizabethan era, a young and ambitious Ben Jonson finds himself at a crossroads. Enveloped by the fear of losing his life in the tumultuous Low Countries, he yearns for an escape from his overbearing stepfather's tyranny. Little did he know that his decision to enlist in Elizabeth's army would lead him down a treacherous path.
As the world around him is torn apart by war, Ben's dreams of becoming involved in the thriving Elizabethan theatre scene, where William Shakespeare reigns as the leading playwright, seem increasingly distant. The possibility of an ordinary life as a mere bricklayer looms on the horizon.
Despite his humble beginnings, Ben's heart is filled with the yearning for sophistication, a longing inherited from his grandfather. He yearns to savour the sweet fruits of his education and immerse himself in a world of culture and creativity. Yet, the harsh reality of drudgery, poverty, and ceaseless labour threatens to engulf him entirely.
In this gripping historical biographical fiction, follow Ben Jonson's journey as he navigates the perilous terrain of the Low Countries, battles the Spanish, and grapples with the mundanity that threatens to smother his dreams. Can the elusive promise of fortuitous gold be the key to breaking free from the shackles of his past? Will Ben Jonson rise above adversity to carve his name in the annals of history and find his place in the illustrious world of the Elizabethan theatre?
"Ben: Before They Were Famous" is a compelling tale of ambition, courage, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future in a time of uncertainty and upheaval. Step into the past and witness the extraordinary journey of a young man who dared to dream beyond the ordinary and become one of history's most celebrated playwrights.