Vital Church Issues
註釋Vital . . . pertaining to life; essential; of critical importance.

Church . . . a body or organization of religious believers.

Issues . . . a point or matter, the decision of which is of special or public importance.

A dictionary can define the terms, but tackling the tough texts and difficult issues of church leadership requires skillful study and balanced reflection upon the whole of Scripture.

Vital Church Issues: Examining Principles and Practices in Church Leadership draws upon the insights and study of numerous evangelical scholars and writers to address crucial issues in church leadership.

Some of the chapters included are:
"Personal Challenges for 21st-Century Pastors" by Leith Anderson
"The 'Laying on of Hands' of Elders" by David A. Mappes
"Can Fallen Leaders Be Restored to Leadership?" by Jay E. Smith
"Assimilating New Converts into the Local Church" by R. Larry Moyer
"Confidentiality in Counseling Individuals with HIV/AIDS" by Jay A. Quine

Pastors, laypeople, and seminary students will appreciate the helpful scholarship of Vital Church Issues.