Enhancing Student Services at Lorain County Community College
Early Results from the Opening Doors Demonstration in Ohio
出版ERIC Clearinghouse, 2007
註釋In 2003, MDRC and a consortium of funders launched the Opening Doors demonstration to test reforms in six community colleges aimed at helping students stay in school and earn credentials. This report presents early results from the Opening Doors program at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio. The program provided intensive advising and counseling services and a modest scholarship to participating students for two semesters. Lorain targeted its program to students whose family income was below 250 percent of the federal poverty level, and who were either incoming freshmen or had completed fewer than 13 credits and had some academic difficulties. Many of the participants were single mothers who were balancing family responsibilities with school and, often, with work. Through an analysis of transcripts for students entering the study during its first year, the MDRC found that during the second Opening Doors semester, students in the program group were more likely than those in a control group, who received the college's standard services, to reenroll in college and to register for and earn more credits. In the semester after the program ended, however, outcomes on enrollment and course registration for the two research groups were similar. Lorain's early results show that the program improved students' short-term outcomes but did not yet appear to have had a significant lasting effect. (Contains 4 tables and 1 figure.) [Dissemination of MDRC publications is also supported by The Starr Foundation.].