Remote Sensing Data Exploiration for Geologic Characterization of Difficult Targets
John C. Stormont
Charles A. Walker
Laurence S. Costin
Jody Lynn Smith
Mary M. Moya
Bridget K. Ford
Allen R. Lappin
Majeed M. Hayat
Biliana Paskaleva
Jeffrey Alan Mercier
Laboratory Directed Research and Development Project 38703 Final Report
United States. Department of Energy
, 2003
Characterizing the geology, geotechnical aspects, and rock properties of deep underground facility sites can enhance targeting strategies for both nuclear and conventional weapons. This report describes the results of a study to investigate the utility of remote spectral sensing for augmenting the geological and geotechnical information provided by traditional methods. The project primarily considered novel exploitation methods for space-based sensors, which allow clandestine collection of data from denied sites. The investigation focused on developing and applying novel data analysis methods to estimate geologic and geotechnical characteristics in the vicinity of deep underground facilities. Two such methods, one for measuring thermal rock properties and one for classifying rock types, were explored in detail. Several other data exploitation techniques, developed under other projects, were also examined for their potential utility in geologic characterization.