Glory Girls
註釋The fabulous Glory Girls once thrilled audiences with their perfect three-part harmonies. When tragedy took it all away, little Bethany Glory, middle child and family peacekeeper, promised to take care of her sisters forever. But thirty years later, it's a promise she's finding hard to keep. The life she's built is crumbling around her. Her marriage is falling apart, her relationship with her sisters is strained and she's just discovered that her father is about to marry a Las Vegas showgirl half his age. When Beth's grandmother makes a deathbed request to restore the family's aging Catskill estate to its former glory, Beth seizes the opportunity to mend the scars of the past and recapture the family harmony that once catapulted the pint-sized Glory Girls to stardom. Over the course of one Catskill summer, Beth discovers a strength she never knew she had, and even more important, learns that sometimes you have to tear down what you have in order to build something more solid.