Midnight Hunger: The Undying Curse

In the unforgiving heart of Northern Alaska, where the chill bites to the bone and the darkness stretches on for an eternity, a spine-chilling tale of ancient terror and icy isolation unfolds...

Meet Alex, a young man embarking on a treacherous journey into the Arctic wilderness, driven by the haunting mystery of his mother's chilling research. Dr. Victoria Hart, an unyielding expert in the study of extreme cold, is about to unveil a discovery that will shake the very foundations of science and sanity.

A relic of pure nightmare: an ancient vampire, entombed in the icy permafrost for centuries.

But as the relentless Arctic weather descends into madness, cutting them off from the world, an unholy awakening stirs in the depths of the facility. The vampire, once a lifeless relic, now thirsts for blood and revenge, its malevolence heightened by the cruel Arctic night.