So Long Constipation, Part 1

Are your bowel movements difficult to evacuate? Are they dry, hard, too large or too small? Do they require straining? Do you fail to have a bowel movement after every meal? Do you feel the urge to have a bowel movement only to fail to evacuate? Do you feel that your bowel movements are incomplete? Does your gut feel bloated, stuffed and tense? Do you feel bloated after moderately sized meals? Do you frequently belch or expel gas? Does your constipation make you feel tired and moody? Are you willing to spend a week reading a book about all the possible causes of constipation so that you can avoid them and regain regularity? 

If your answer to these questions is a resounding yes, then So Long Constipation, Part 1 is the book for you! 

If you are at a point at which you need a book to help you defecate, you will have to find the constipation culprits and readjust your 'art de vivre' by becoming creative. Being constipated means that you are stuck in a rut of some sort and to 'unstuck' yourself, you will have to take the big picture approach that incorporates your entire mind-body system. In So Long Constipation, Part 1 you will learn how to eliminate your constipation by learning what causes it and how this comes about. You will learn about the relationship between our daily environment and the gut. You will discover, in simple detail, how things like stress, industrial toxins and our modern diet and lifestyle influence the delicate balance of our mind-body system. You will familiarize yourself with the main aspects of this delicate balance in relation to gut function. So Long Constipation, Part 1 takes care of the urgent part, namely, getting rid of constipation, while So Long Constipation, Part 2 focuses on creative, long term constipation prevention methods. For now, your main objective is to understand how you got constipated in the first place, because once you get that, you will know how to return back to normal.