Wavelets, Frames and Operator Theory
Focused Research Group Workshop on Wavelets, Frames, and Operator Theory, January 15-21, 2003, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
出版American Mathematical Soc., 2004
主題Mathematics / CalculusMathematics / InfinityMathematics / Mathematical AnalysisMathematics / Functional Analysis
註釋In the past two decades, wavelets and frames have emerged as significant tools in mathematics and technology. They interact with harmonic analysis, operator theory, and a host of other applications. This book grew out of a special session on Wavelets, Frames and Operator Theory held at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore and a National Science Foundation-sponsored workshop held at the University of Maryland. Both events were associated with the NSF Focused Research Group. The volume includes both theoretical and applied papers highlighting the many facets of these interconnected topics. It is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in wavelets and their applications.