Under The Weather
註釋I once felt awful about myself, who am I to feel so much pain and mourn about it, while others have it worse? Who am I to write such a book?— Until one day I read somewhere, ‘’Someone who drowns in 2 meters deep of water is as dead as someone who drowns in 20 meters deep of water.’’ and realized, trauma is not something we should ever compare or belittle— I still remember clearly how it felt when depression and PTSD symptoms started eating my soul away— the heaviness inside my head, the tightness in my chest, the tension all over my body, but the worst of all; this inexplicable sorrow, fear, and hopelessness feelings that tortured me constantly from the moment I wake up until I close my eyes. It did not stop there, even during my sleep, they were haunting me too through my nightmares. I was hardly able to breathe at any time of the day and to top it all, the selfharm and suicidal ideation, struck me down— I wanted to reach for help from the start, but how do you explain to other people something that even you do not understand? So one night, I grabbed my pen and started writing, shakingly, trying to find the words to express the dynamic inside me, it was not easy at all, yet I did not stop since. Reading my own writings over and over, processing them again and again, with some psychology background I obtained a decade ago, I began to wonder, is this what I think it is?